Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Well, after 2 years without any new posts you could probably come to one of several conclusions.

A.) She's having an incredible time in Spain and has no time for blogging.
B.) She's having an awful time and doesn't want to talk about it.

Answer? A. Of course.

I had all the best intentions in the world of blogging about my experiences but it just didn't happen. I'm hoping on coming back to this blog, or maybe just a personal journal and writing down some of my experiences. It really was amazing.

I'm hoping to go back to Spain in the fall of 2011 if not sooner. I will either be applying with the US Ambassadors program and teaching English or, if I can save enough money, applying to an art school in Madrid to study photography. I would prefer the art school, but I would do either just to be back again.

Every time I hear people speaking Spanish at work it makes me so nostalgic. I can't wait to be back.