Monday, October 25, 2010

Conversation, culture and café con leche

The rest of today was pretty relaxed. Number one priority was going to the grocery store. I forgot that the grocery store isn’t open on Sundays, so food options yesterday were really limited. While shopping Rocio (Pepe’s daughter) came into the grocery store and asked if I wanted to get coffee with her and Pepe. I paid for my things and then headed over to La Mezquita. We sat and chatted a bit about this, that and the other thing. Juan also showed up. Rocio asked me to go trick or treating with her this Sunday. I was really surprised she was going. Halloween is gaining popularity here in Spain, but I was surprised in a small town that kids dress up and go out. I asked her if everyone participated or if sometimes they got the door slammed in their face by people that don’t celebrate that crazy American holiday. She said, no, everyone gives out candy. My costume options are quite limited so I’ll probably be throwing a white sheet over myself, cutting out eye holes and calling myself a ghost. I believe we are also going to be doing some sort of small celebration at the school. Monday we don’t have school because of Halloween on Sunday. The vacation day is called ‘puente.’ Don’t we all wish we didn’t have to go to school the day after staying out late for Halloween!

Pepe and Rocio are going to look at a car in Murcia on Sunday. They asked if I wanted to come along so I could see my friends there, but because of puente it doesn’t seem like many people are going to be available. I think I’ll probably just hold off and try to find another time to go. Getting to Murcia is a bigger challenge than I anticipated. Bus options out of Siles are very limited and there are only a couple buses that leave Siles each day. So far the best option seems to be going from Siles to Hellín, then Hellín to Murcia. It’s the cheapest and fastest way I’ve found so far. The only problem is that the return trip involves a 5 hours layover in Hellín waiting for the Siles bus. Blah. Hopefully I’ll find people making trips to Murcia often enough that it won’t be a problem. Pepe is going to Murcia at least once. Inés is going to Ikea in Murcia at least once and hopefully I can find others.

After coffee, Pepe, Rocio and the guy from the general store helped show me how to make international calls on the payphone. After that lesson Pepe and Rocio insisted they drive me back up to my apartment. I really, REALLY only live a few minutes away (walking!) but am frequently being offered rides so I don’t have to walk up the hill. I’m thankful for the generosity, but I also like the walk…both for the fresh air and exercise. Oh well…I’m sure when it’s starts snowing I’ll really be thankful.

The rest of the day I lounged around the apartment and went to bed early. I have to be up early the next day to go to Jaén and deal with all the residency paperwork.

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