Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Leave it to me to turn the peaceful, tranquil Spanish lifestyle into a race against the clock. My schedule is packed. I feel like I’m running all day long. I went from having SO much free time during Christmas break to being super busy overnight.

Today I had classes at the infantil all day. I almost had to teach the 5 year olds by myself but luckily Sebas showed up. I don’t mind that I have to plan lessons…but planning a lesson with 30-45 minutes notice? My lesson planning abilities aren’t THAT strong. The teachers were telling me during recess that I need to talk more. This has been an interesting challenge to try and overcome. I totally understand where they are coming from…I am after all an “auxiliary de CONVERSACIÓN (conversation).” It’s hard to incorporate myself into lessons that I didn’t plan. There’s always a place for me, but not really to talk very much, especially if the kids are working on a worksheet or some other quieter activity. I’ll have to think of what I can do.

After classes I went home to do the incredible amount of dishes that have accumulated. Luckily my private lesson cancelled because he’s sick and I got to take a nap.

At 6:30 I had my intercambio with Pacolmo and then I ran to the gym at the very last minute to squeeze in a quick workout (9-10pm). Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days that are hardest for me to get to the gym. If I leave the intercambio at 8:15 or 8:30pm it’s usually ok…I have time to walk to the gym and at least get a decent chunk of my workout done. I never want to be rude though, or seem like I’m in a rush to get out of there though, so frequently I’m at Paco’s house until 8:45 or 9.

Now I need to get my lessons planned, my blog updated, my books read…the list of things I was hoping to accomplish while I’m here has barely been touched. I can’t believe I’ve already been here 3 months. How can it already be halfway through January?!

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