I had class with the 4th graders and then headed down for the 3rd grade science lesson. We are at the end of a unit and they are going to have a test soon, so Maria del Mar wanted me to plan some sort of review lesson. I made the Jeopardy board with the categories invertebrates, vertebrates, ‘valoro mi mundo’ (about extinction, conservation, etc), and new words (words we didn’t get a chance to cover in class but that they should know). The new words category was a bonus and worth double the points. Overall it wasn’t quite as successful as I would have liked but the kids seemed to enjoy it. They didn’t remember hardly any of the words we’ve covered and were constantly looking things up in the dictionary. Also, some of the kids just didn’t get it…they would call out words that had already been guessed without consulting their team, or they would tell me over and over the same guess even though I told them it was wrong. Oh well…you live, you learn.
After class I had another cup of coffee. Thursdays are my half day but I decided to stay late to get more stuff done. I still had to finish up the Constitution Day mural and work on various Christmas activities. The egg carton Christmas tree is going up in the hallway and I am responsible for making the “Charity Christmas Tree” lettering. There’s also a Christmas mailbox and I need to make lettering for that too. Maria del Mar said next week we can do a Christmas lesson instead of a science lesson since they are at the end of the unit and we don’t have that much time left until Christmas break.
When I was working on the Constitution Day mural in the hallway I was so happy that the sun had finally decided to reappear. It’s been so rainy and gross here lately. Very Seattle-ish. I got paid again, which I wasn’t expecting. The school still hasn’t received money from the Ministry of Education to pay me so they are using their reserve and supply money to pay me. I didn’t think I was going to get paid for another couple of weeks so it was a lovely surprise. When I got the check I decided to leave school so I could try to cash it. When I got to the bank the door was closed and I was a bit frustrated. They were supposed to be open for another 15-20 minutes. Oh well, that’s life in Spain (Later I found out I was actually the idiot. One of the doors is always closed and you have to go in the other way). In the time I walked from the school to the bank the weather did a complete 180. It started hailing, and was windy with a mixture of a little snow and thunder. Madness! So much for my sun! I stopped at Mercardo Gerardo to pick up some groceries and Edu was laughing about all this crazy weather.
I picked up some bacon for dinner tonight (pasta carbonara is on the menu) and then headed across the street to another little shop. I had never been in before so I decided to check it out and see what was there. I met the people working there who were super nice. They chatted with me and I just looked around. On my way home I passed several shops selling Christmas stuff. I think I might pick up a strand of lights or something to make my apartment at least *a little* festive. I went home, had lunch, cleaned, and organized my fridge and cupboard. After having people over for a couple dinners I have so much more food than I did initially. I don’t know how I’m going to get through it before it all goes bad.
I got the ginger from Eve yesterday. I was going to bake my pumpkin pie today (finally!) but I forgot to take the pumpkin out of the freezer to thaw…maybe I’ll do it later…maybe tomorrow…
My private lesson in the afternoon got cancelled and then Luis came over to make me dinner. He is studying to be what I believe is the equivalent of a Certified Nursing Assistant. He had brought over some things he needed to study and I showed him the medical vocab that I have to study for my state medical interpreter’s test…basically the same stuff so maybe I’ll have him start quizzing me. We had dinner but he ended up spiking a high fever and headed home. Here’s hoping I don’t end up sick too!
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