Today was our first snow day. This is the first time in years that I’ve actually been excited to see the snow. I slept in this morning and then when I woke up, peaked out the window and witnessed the beautiful, snowy view I’d been hoping to see.

Initially I had been planning on waking up early and going to school even though I’m not scheduled on Fridays. Sebas was going to be working with the 6th graders today and trying to get the Christmas cards done for Steph’s students. I thought I’d go in to help. Sebas can speak English of course but the vocabulary associated with Christmas is not something he really has to know or use very often, so I figured it would be best if I went in and helped and answered any questions they had. Good thing I decided at the last minute to sleep in instead because school was cancelled. I understand why they cancelled classes but I also think it’s kind of funny. Majority of the people that need to get to the school live within walking distance…I mean, hey, I walk to the school almost everyday…so…why cancel school? Because it’s more fun to play in the snow, that’s why! (And they don’t want people falling or trying to drive up the hill to the school, of course.)
I started to tidy the apartment a little and try to get ready but I didn’t get that far. We lost power again. I don’t know why this is happening so much more lately, but it’s obnoxious. When Ma Cele is home it isn’t a big deal, but today she was at work. Snowy days, with a wet head and no heat aren’t that much fun. Luckily the heat is never out for that long. I threw my wet hair up and bundled up so I could go to the bank and cash my check. The bank was going to close at 2 whether my hair was dry or not. I was hoping that by the time I went to the bank and walked around a little to take pictures that Ma Cele would be back.
Go to bank and get my cash? Check.
I walked around enjoying the snow and watching people play in it. There were more people out than I expected. I took pictures of the snow and went on an extra long walk to give Ma Cele more time to get home. I asked Almudena if she wanted to get a coffee but she was working. I sent Maria a text but she didn’t respond. Later on my walk I ran into her and she said she was out of ‘saldo’ on her phone and couldn’t reply.
I stopped at Parador to have a coffee by the fireplace. My feet were soaked. After my café con leche I walked home. I hesitantly flipped on the entryway light to see if we had power yet. No luck. I called Ma Cele and she left work to come home and turn the power back on. While she was here I also gave her rent money.
The rest of my day was pretty relaxing. I didn’t do much.
As an earlier post predicted I just about landed on my butt going down one of Siles’ hills. A lot of the snow melted by the end of the day, but the temperatures dropped in the evening and now we’ve got some ice problems.
In the evening I met up with Almudena, Maria, Rulo, Jose Miguel and a couple others at Mezquita. I had a hamburger there for dinner. Hamburgers at Mezquita come with egg, bacon, ham, tomato, onion…the works! It’s pretty good, but very messy. Thursday when Luis cooked me dinner I mentioned that I preferred wine over beer but had no clue how to order wine at restaurants (there are so many types, regions, years, etc, etc I just have no idea what the difference it). He taught me how to order so tonight was my test run. Success! Una copa de vino de Rivera del Duero. Thank you very much! :)
After Mezquita we went to Menphys. It was Tony’s (a friend of my friends) birthday so they brought balloons and a cake. Almudena, and that whole group didn’t stay that long but Maribel (who is living in Barcelona, and that I met during the last puente) didn’t feel like going home yet. She asked me to stay. I was tired, but agreed. I didn’t end up going home until 4:30am. Usually that doesn’t bother me, but only if we’re actually doing something and moving about until 4:30am. We were just sitting on the barstools and chatting and I was tiiiiiiiired.

Random side note: I noticed today that the stop signs here actually say “Stop” (in English). This was not something I noticed when I was in Murcia so I looked it up online to see if it was that way in all of Spain. Apparently so…I guess the European Union decided that road signs have to be in English so they are standardized throughout EU countries.
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