Friday, November 25, 2011

Día de Santa Catalina

Today was a local holiday so we didn't have to go to work. It's the Dia de Santa Catalina.
 The Santa Catalina mural at Alcala Venceslada. Santa Catalina is also the name of the castle here in Jaén.
 A cortijo is a house in the country. Irene invited me to go with her and her friends and spend the day in a cortijo. Of course, we were surrounded by olive trees.
Starting to get the BBQ ready
 Cooking gambas (shrimp) on the BBQ
Making a big pan of paella
 More much food all day long...pasta, cheese, bread, meat...
  ...empanadas, tortilla, beer, wine...
...and of course, paella. There was also panceta and chorizo.
La Carla aka La Gorda
Musical chairs...we also played "Password" which is vaguely like Taboo...a little bit more of a challenge for me than everyone else there. I was the only foreigner. The words weren't really the problem, it's just fast-paced and hard for me to understand that fast. They were planning on playing flip-cup (courtesy of some other American they know) but we never got around to it. There was also music going all day. It was so nice to be invited by Irene to this party. I was glad to be around a bunch of Spaniards. I really would like to make more Spanish friends. I also got to chatting with Irene's fiance who is in the photography association group I'm trying to be a part of.  Everyone did a great job of making me feel included. I was very appreciative. It felt like day 2 of Thanksgiving!

Summary of the day?
Drink, eat, play, repeat.

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