Wednesday, November 16, 2011

If it's not one thing it's another

Vocabulary lesson time.


Oh the words you learn through being immersed in a culture.

As of right now, I'm still lice-free, but we've had a serious outbreak at one of my schools. Cockroaches at home, lice at school...I just can't catch a break. I managed to get through all of my school years without ever having lice...if I get it now I'm going to be pretty ticked.

The kids were a handful again today (my day with the high schoolers). I don't know how many times they said "I don't understand her" or asked "do you speak Spanish" AS I'm speaking to them in Spanish. The problem isn't my Spanish. That fact can be backed up by my co-workers. The problem is that the kids don't listen. They use the fact that I'm an extranjera as an excuse. I have to explain the lesson SO many times. I wish I could properly describe the absolute frustration I feel knowing the kids OBVIOUSLY aren't listening. This isn't a matter of them needing extra clarification. They are flat out not paying attention. Grrrrrrr.

Today we did a couple different things. First we made "I am thankful for..." chains after I explained what Thanksgiving is and we discussed what we are thankful for. They each made 2 links of the chain writing "I am thankful for..." and something different on each link. After we put them all together the kids had to say what they were thankful for. ALWAYS, without fail, the last student, or last two students say "I don't know how to say that" or "I can't." Yes, yes you can. After listening to 15 other people say the exact same phrase two times each, yes you can. They actually really like doing these chains. I've been trying to think of lessons that involve putting stuff up on the walls. There aren't many posters or anything on the walls at this school and I think it would seem like a more fun place to be if there was stuff up, especially if it's stuff they can take pride in that they did, or stuff they can learn merely by seeing it up on the wall day after day.

We also did the vocabulary leaf activity I did with some of the other classes (the one with the autumn vocabulary words on leaves). I didn't get a chance to make a tree to put their leaves on so I'll have to do that later. Maybe I'll just dangle them from a string or something instead.
The student in the back is mentally disabled. Even though this is the school with so many behavior problems they really know how to take care of one of their own. The kids are always so good and patient with him, and they look after him. There's also a deaf girl in one of my classes. Definitely makes my job a little more challenging. I would like to incorporate them in what we are doing, but they usually have other activities to do.

Wishful thinking, prayers and whatever else it takes to keep me from getting lice. Ewwwwwwwwwww.

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