Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

I didn't originally have plans for Thanksgiving, even though I wanted to do something. I don't have an oven, so having Thanksgiving at my place was out of the question. Finally one piso of Americans send out a Facebook invite for Thanksgiving dinner at their house. Yay! There was turkey, stuffing (with raisins...first time I've had it that way. It was good!) and mashed potatoes with gravy. This is my 3rd Thanksgiving in a row that I've spent in Spain so I was glad to have a Thanksgiving dinner. Apparently they ordered the turkey from the grocery store a few days ago and when it came in they asked what parts we wanted.
"All of it."
"All of it?"
"You must be Americans."
All we needed was cranberry sauce (cranberries aren't available here), sweet potatoes and lefse and it would have been totally complete...pretty good considering how much harder it is to get ingredients here. There were probably about 15 of us there, including some English people that were giving us a little friendly crap about wanting their Thanksgiving dinner.

I hung out with Rebecca and Maude quite a bit. Rebecca is from the US and Maude is from Montreal. Rebecca and I were kind of looking at each other funny when she first showed up. We knew that we knew each other, but didn't know where from. Finally I remembered she was one of the girls I met at Colombia 50, getting coffee before orientation. They're a lot of fun.

I stayed until around 1:30 then headed home so I wouldn't be exhausted at the cortijo party tomorrow with Irene.

Chowing down
turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy and stuffing
Hanging out
Oh, and did I mention a little wine with dinner? haha
Maude, me and Rebecca
Rebecca and Maude
Notice the amazing wall art in this apartment. haha.
Rebecca and I immitating the Popeye and Olive Oil picture.
Maude, me, Rebecca

1 comment:

John Nesbitt said...

I'm glad you were able to have a fairly traditional Thanksgiving with lots of friends. We missed having you around (again). Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas!