Thursday, November 24, 2011

A time to give thanks

Although they don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Spain, I want to take the time to give some thanks...

To my parents: There will never come a day when I can say or do anything that will fully express my profound, never-ending appreciation for you. I cannot imagine where or who I would be without you and your unconditional love and support. What a blessing it is to have parents I can talk to, share anything with, and know on the other side of it all you'll still be there next to me. So often you know exactly what I need to hear on a bad day, when I need a hug, when I need space, when I don't feel well...and I don't have to tell you, you just know. I really (REALLY) couldn't ask for better parents.  I hope someday I can follow in your footsteps, and be even half of what you've been for me for my own children.  I LOVE YOU. Thank you for EVERYTHING!

To my sister: You are an inspiration. I love and admire the way you work with kids (and I must admit I'm a little jealous too about how good you are with them and how much they love you). I admire you for sticking to your convictions and making your own path in life. Whether we're living in the same house or thousands of miles away, whether we talk every day or once every few weeks, know that I love you and want nothing other than to have an incredible relationship with you the rest of my life. Thank you for being my sister.

To the rest of my big, crazy family: I love you. Thank you for being so interested and involved in my life, for our reunions, for our Norweigan traditions, old photographs and stories, and lots of rowdy softball games. For every card, present, phone call that I've ever received...thank you. I'm blessed to have so many people that care about me.

To my friends, including but definitely not limited to the Yellow Sub girls, the Fab 4 Snohomish crowd, my Spokane friends (like Jared and Juli!) and life-long family friends (like you Kennedys): You make my life rich. You've helped mold and shape me into the person I am. You've been there when I needed a reality check, a girl's night to gossip about our latest boy problems, a shoulder to cry on and oh so many joyous moments. You are my extended family.  I can't thank you enough for the contributions each of you have made in my life. I am better for being around you.

To Eastlake Community Church in Bothell, thank you for providing a safe place where I can be so very imperfect and still feel welcome. Thank you also for pushing me to be the person I'm meant to be. Thank you for every cup of coffee, every outline, and every smile and "hello." Thank you for being a place I actually want to go. Thank you for providing an environment when I can go on my worst days and come out with a little hope.

To my tan animal farm plus Indy: Not that you crazy animals can understand this, but thank you for being such absolute loves. Baxter, your excited tailwagging and grunts when you have't seen me in awhile make me feel very loved. Tiki, you and your ridiculous sneezes, head butts and incessant touching, sitting next to my keyboard (or on top of it) and really loud purring are all things I will miss when you're not around. You're really the best cat. Indy, I kind of like being your favorite. It makes me sad when you climb into my suitcase and look at me like I'm not allowed to leave, but I'll always be back. Bella oh Bella, our little troublemaker...I love you too, even when you continuously drop your nasty tennis ball on my computer after I've already thrown it 300 times. Thank you pets, for all your snuggles and animal love.

To any stranger that has given me a smile, helped me when I'm lost, or given a few extra minutes to deal with a confused guiri, I thank you. You will never know the great extent to which your small acts of kindness matter.

God, thank you for your many, MANY blessings in my life. I haven't done anything to deserve it all, but I'm endlessly grateful for everything. Thank you for not giving up on me when I turn away and think I'm unworthy and undeserving of Your love. Hang with me as I seek you out.

"Your power, might, and love are seen in the bounty of this season. We gather this day around a table laden with food that you have brought forth. We gather as family and friends whom you brought into this world. We bow before you with humble hearts knowing we live because you brought us to life.
We celebrate this day as a nation of people who have been blessed more than any other people on the face of the earth and at any time. We acknowledge you as the giver of the good we so easily take for granted. Forgive us as we are a forgetful people. Grant us on this Thanksgiving Day, the time to reflect on all the ways you have blessed each of us who has gathered. Increase our understanding of your ways and remind us to love one another.
Thank you for providing all that we need for life and godliness. Make us to be a light and a blessing to the nations of the world.
We pray this in the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

"You see the depths of my heart and
You love me the same
You are amazing God"
-'Indescribable' by Chris Tomlin

1 comment:

John Nesbitt said...

Thanks for making me cry again.

But seriously, you and your sister have made being a parent a joy. I count my blessings all the time where you and Laura are concerned.

I have always been proud of you two and the women you have become. I love you very much.