Feliz día de acción de gracias!
They don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but I can celebrate with you in spirit.
Today, and every day, I am thankful for lots of things.
I am Thankful...
-for my friends and family
-that by the grace of God and the love and assitance of my parents I am living in Spain, fulfilling my dream.
-that I have new friends and connections here in Siles.
-that I've had offers from people to let me spend Christmas with them.
-that I wake up every day to a beautiful view.
-for the days I get to chat with old and new friends.
-for the people that look at me a little harder and listen a little more attentively to try and figure out what I'm saying in Spanish (rather than giving up on me).
-for the days that I feel I actually taught my students something.
-for letters and visitors.
-for the ability to see a little more of God's creation every day.
-for my jobs.
-that I'm having a Spanish Thanksgiving dinner in my house tomorrow with my new friends.
And finally...
today I am thankful for my landlady, who surprised me today with an extra blanket and a rack to dry my clothes on. Yay Thanksgiving presents! :)
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