After lunch I had the 4th grade science class, which started ok, but then deteriorated. It’s still getting better because we have things actually planned out but this particular group of kids is so hard to wrangle. They had already been in a lot of trouble today with their normal teacher, and then even with me they were up out of their seats, moving around, beating each other up, drawing on the windows, etc, etc. Towards the end of class a group of girls presented me with a picture they made me. It was very cute, but at the same time it would be a lot cuter if they would make these pictures for me at home or recess and actually listen to my lessons during class!
I finished up with Inés and the 2nd graders. They had all been given an animal to draw and spent most of the class doing that. I helped Inés cut out head bands and see helped the kids staple their animals to their headbands. The 2nd graders are putting on a presentation for the 3-5 year olds next week that has to do with all of their characters.
I chatted with Inés at the end of the day about how things were going, when I would be paid (soon!) and how I can make up the hours I wasn’t here at the beginning of October. We also firmed up my schedule and signed off on it so she can send the form to the regional office and I can get paid (once they verify I’m working the correct number of hours). Tomorrow is also a fancy lunch at the ‘instituto’ and I’m going with the other teachers from my school. There is a culinary program at el instituto and every Thursday they make a fancy lunch for anyone that signs up. I’ve heard rave reviews about it so I’m excited to be doing something new with the other teachers. I’m also excited because that will mark the start of my weekend. Yay!
I went home and had some lunch before I had to go back to the school in time for the adult class at 4:30pm. We talked about hobbies today. I really like working with the adults. The kids are cute, but as far as conversation goes, adults are definitely more my style. During this class it started storming…rain, hail, thunder, lightning. I wish I had been at my apartment so I could get some pictures of the lightning from my window. When class was done I headed back to my apartment. It was only about 6:30 but it was SO dark! I don’t know when the street lights are supposed to kick on, but they weren’t when I was trying to walk home and it was a little treacherous.
I turned my heat on for the first time tonight. I’m not all that cold but it still feels nice.
The fly is still living in my apartment. He managed to get in when I had my window open last week. He won’t die and I can’t seem to catch him so he continually buzzes around my head and drives me crazy. I will get him eventually.
I feel a little better today so I don’t think my clothes-soaked bus ride back to Siles set me back any on my recovery. People noticed my cold a lot today, but I didn’t feel any worse. I think my voice just sucks being on the tail end of it.
I need to start brainstorming lesson ideas for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The teachers want to make a big, organized deal out of the Christmas lessons so we’ve already started an ‘ideas’ folder in the teacher’s room. When I talked to Inés today I mentioned doing something for Thanksgiving. I figured if they were teaching Halloween they would probably teach Thanksgiving too…not the case…she seemed fairly interested in the idea when I suggested some things, but it wasn’t something they have specific plans for. So, teacher friends of mine…if you have any good holiday-related lesson plans, please let me know!
I hope I feel a lot better tomorrow so I’ll be ready to have fun this weekend. Brittany and Roberto are staying with me from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. I think I’ll probably take them to castle in Sierra de Segura, go out in Siles at night, and buy churros for Sunday morning breakfast. Inés said she would try to think of some things we could do, but I don’t think she realizes that Saturday is only 2 days away.
Even though today was my long day (and came right after yesterday's exhausting adventure) the little old lady from this morning, the kids' drawing, and having visitors to look forward to this weekend made the day good. Yay for the weekend being super close!
Would that be ironic if you taught your Spanish kids why we have Thanksgiving?
"One of your guys got lost trying to trade goods to India, found this place, raped and pillaged, settled in the south and spread rampant illness killing most of the natives. Then, in order for the English to get rid of rebels and for others to escape religious oppression, they started shipping out to this unterritorialized land in the North and said, "Good luck!" Some natives bailed us out before we gave them typhoid and killed them off with illness and bayonettes, and now we're the most prosperous country in the world. And that's why we're Thankful. The End."
I think that's fairly accurate, although I'm not a historian. Either way, good luck! I think it's better to tell them the truth than butter it up like they do here and glorify Christopher Columbus' epic mistake and troubled flaws by making hand-turkeys and button-top hats.
Ha! I think we're going to stick with the watered down version of Thanksgiving, if anything. It's going to be of a I-am-thankful-for/being gracious/life skill building lesson instead of an actual American Thanksgiving lesson. Probably for the best...
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