Yesterday was pretty low key. I dozed off and on until 6pm hoping I would feel good enough to still go out with Fernando and the other teachers. I got up and got showered, and as I got moving I did start to feel a little better. I received a toque from Maria, and a little later someone rang the doorbell. I tried to use the call system to let them in but it didn't work so I went upstairs but there was no one there. A little after that Almudena called and asked where I was. It had been her and Maria that stopped by to see if I wanted to go to Mezquita with them. I still had a little bit of time before I was going to meet up with Fernando and the others. They were at a conference guessed it...mushrooms. I wasn't sure how long the conference was going to be so I headed to Mezquita. Almudena, Maria, Rulo, Antonio and Jose Miguel were there. Luis (who I met the same night I met Steffi) was also there and joined us. We hung out for a bit and then Fernando called me to say they were also heading to Mezquita. We had a couple beers and chatted about a variety of topics, including that I should join their band (Christianita y los Papas Fritas) and play the drums and that I should go pick mushrooms with them in the morning. After awhile half the group left and the other half went to Pub JJ. They played a lot of American music at this pub and we had a lot of fun. We stayed there until about 3-3:30 in the morning and then Luis walked me home.

(Christina, Felipe, Me, Fernando)

(Me, Luis, Christina, Felipe, Me, Fernando)
Unlike yesterday I got up at a semi-decent hour (10:45am) and have been feeling a little better. I'm still congested and my ears are plugged, but I'm not having the temperature regulation issues I was having before. Tonight I think some people are going out, so I may join them, but I don't think we'll be going out for long. Lots of people are dealing with this cold and are opting to stay in this weekend and try to get better. I hope I continue feeling better tomorrow so I don't have to teach on Monday feeling so crummy.
Hope you are all doing well. I keep seeing the Facebook updates about Christmas lights, Christmas shopping, red Starbucks cups and other holiday related items. I can't believe it's already November!!!
You should join the band! I want to see E-Nizzle carry the beat. haha.
Oooooh goodness. I think that would turn into an amazingly embarassing situation. Maybe though...maybe...
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