Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A day in Granada

Last night I wasn’t planning on going out. I was relaxing on the couch enjoying a night in. However, around midnight Anna (from Chicago, not my roommate) sent me a message saying they were at Morrisons and I needed to come join them. So, I waited for a while…did I really have to go out? It was already late…and I was going to rest…but I’m always afraid if I don’t go out people won’t invite me next time…and I needed to make friends…oh ok…so around 12:30 I left my house, hopped into a taxi and headed towards the bars. It seemed ridiculous, but around 1am I arrived at Morrisons, but they had already gone to another bar “Friends” across the street. I headed over to meet them. It was pretty crazy but I think I missed the height of it. By the time I got there they had actually run out of beer. Tuesdays are typically international student nights and as one fellow auxiliar put it “Buy 10 beers, get one resaca-(hangover) free!” We are quite a sight to see, all of us Americans taking over a bar together. Our loud, English speaking, crazy, partying ways draw a lot of attention and it actually embarrasses me at times. I don’t want everyone to think we’re just a bunch of stupid guiris (foreigners). Anyways, we hung out there for a couple hours and then around 2:30 I said I was going to head out. Anna asked me to stay one more hour, so I did. We eventually headed out, walking part of the way until we found a taxi and headed home.

Anna, me and Kerri
The surplus of empty beer bottles
Me, Anna, and someone Anna met
Darren, me, Anna, a couple Spanish guys, Kerri and more young Spanish guys
Today was a good day.

We had a holiday today so I didn’t have to work. I got to go to Granada and spend some time with Patricia, a friend of mine from last year. It’s only an hour by bus to go from Jaén to Granada. Patricia picked me up at the bus station and greeted me with a big hug. It was so nice to see a familiar face. She had a friend with her and the three of us decided to go for tapas. We went to this place called La Pajuana where we went together last year and their tapas are amazing. Definitely no potato chips or olives here. They seem like gourmet tapas. We had some vino semidulce with out tapas and after lunch headed off for ice cream and then to another café for coffee. Coffee was followed up by window shopping for shoes and going into H&M for some dress and skirt shopping. A true girls day. When we were in H&M Patricia got a call from some other friends that were gathering for coffee (in Laura’s plaza…my sister’s favorite plaza in Granada) so we headed off for some more coffee. We dropped Patricia’s friend off at work, and then she dropped me off at the bus station so I could get back to Jaén. One the way back the view was incredible. There was a huge moon over the olive fields and it was really pretty. I’m planning on heading back to Granada the weekend of Halloween. They are dressing up and going out and Patricia said I could stay with her. Can’t wait!
I mentioned in one of my previous posts that Ana's friend said I didn't wear the right clothes for Spain and that I should go to Zara and get some new clothes...This was the display window of Zara in Granada...can you picture me in that hat and that amazing orange scarf? Bahahaha
I didn't take this picture, but found it later. Thank goodness because it was really hard to take pictures on the bus. It still doesn't do it justice though
It was a little easier to take video than still photos. You can get the idea of how it was.

Vocab word of the day: chirimoyo
It supposedly translates as custard apple tree…has anyone heard of this?

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