Saturday, October 8, 2011

Out with Ana and Kristin

I went out again tonight. Kristin and I went over to Chris and Anthony's house for awhile, but Ana thought I was going out with her. Plus, I didn't want to get in the bad habit of hanging out with Americans all the time.

Ana and I headed back to Azulejo for more tapas. I got to meet one of her friends that works there. I'm torn between whether or not he's just a jerk or trying to be helpful. He was telling me that I don't wear the right clothes for Spain...that my clothes are too serious. I was trying really hard (unsuccesfully) not to be really offended. I put quite a bit of thought into what I wear out. We also debated about guys living at home when they are 30 years old. I was merely trying to tell him that if there was a guy in the US living with his parents when he's 30 or 35 it would be a huge red flag, but here, culturally, I understand that it is normal and it doesn't bother me. He was trying to justify the fact that he lives at home. "If I can live at home for free, and have someone do my laundry, and cook, it's easier. It's not that I can't do those things, but why would I move out if I didn't need to? Why is it a bad thing?" I had many reasons to fire back with, including the fact that I wouldn't want to be the next person to get stuck with his laundry and cooking "because it's easier." 

After tapas we headed over to La Galería and Kristin and Chris met us there. We finished out our night at Truvador and eventually headed back to Kharma. Ana hung out in the room we were in last night and Kristin took me to the big dance area. Let me tell feet aren't quite adapted to the walking and long hours on my feet yet. I was even in my flats and my feet were ACHING. They hurt so bad I was on the brink of tears. I almost left, but Kristin convinced me to stay awhile longer. She said they start to play all the best songs the later you stay. I don't quite believe it, but even if they play the best song on the planet...if they wait until 7am, I'm not interested in hearing it. We finally left just before 7am. Craziness.

Solomillo con roquefort...mmmmm
Me and Kristin
Ana and me
Ana, Kristin, Me
Ana and some of her friends

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