Thursday, October 13, 2011

La universidad de Jaén

Although the main purpose of my stay in Spain this year is to help teach English, I also decided to take a couple classes at the university. I'm taking a business Spanish class (Español para fines específicos) and a normal Spanish class.

So, here's a small tour of the university. It's quite a bit bigger than the pictures suggest, but these are the places I roam through most.

Reminds me of ham legs :)
Crazy road sign bird #1
Crazy road sign bird #2
I spent the most of my time in the third building from the right. 
Plaza de los pueblos
Cool fountain
'J' is for Jaén...glad we got that figured out now that we're in college :)
"La ‘J’ se rebela como pieza indispensable en la construcción de la provincial, es un símbolo de nuestra tierra que aglutina a riqueza tradicional patrimonial y cultural de los pueblos y cuidades jiennenses, representados en las 97 piezas que conforman la estructura de esta escultura homenaje a la provincial de Jaén. Jaén, paraíso interior."
Siles and La Puerta de Segura are on there! :)

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