Friday, October 7, 2011

Out with Ana for the first time

Today was a pretty relaxed day...or at least it started that way. We stayed out super late last night so I slept until 2pm today. I spent most of the afternoon getting caught up on How I Met Your Mother and relaxing. However, my Spanish roommate Ana invited me to go out with her for the first time. She works at a pub called La Galería so I met her there and then we went to Azulejo for tapas. I really like Azulejo. The environment is a little more relaxed and they put up different photography exhibits every couple weeks. We didn’t even get to Azulejo until after 11 so we stayed there for a while, then went to Truvador. After Truvador I had my first Kharma experience. Kharma is the big discoteca here in Jaén. People had been raving about it so I was looking forward to going.

I hope I don’t get kicked out of Jaén for saying this…

but I didn’t really like it.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. I was SO overwhelmed.  There are 2 rooms. One huge room that’s for dancing and another smaller room that is more like a bar (still with some dancing) but more for chatting as well. We were in the smaller area.  Ana is really pretty, so she was definitely attracting a bunch of guys and I wasn’t sure if I should go away and let her be, or stay close in case she needed someone to bail her out. After a while I had problems of my own. One guy kept trying to win me over, but was too aggressive. He kissed me and I basically ran to the bathroom to get away. When I got back he asked if I was nervous or apprehensive and I said yes so he kindly stepped away but anytime he passed by would touch my hand or brush my shoulder or something. Then one other guy just kept staring at me, and Ana eventually told him to leave me alone. Meanwhile another guy kept trying to actually drag me away and dance with me. 3 at once. No wonder I was overwhelmed, right? Eventually one other guy swept in, but thank you God, he was just what I needed. He really put me at ease, gave me enough space and just talked to me. He didn’t try anything. After a little while Ana was ready to leave and he tried his 1st obviously flirtatious statement, telling me it was a shame I had to go. Now, normally I don’t give my number out…but when he said that what was my response? “Well ask for my number!” My dad always says “Guys don’t get hints. They don’t get subtle hints. They don’t get obvious hints. No hints.” Well there you go. No hints. We exchanged numbers and I headed out. Kharma redeemed itself a little, but meh, not much.  I was really glad that Ana invited me to go out with her, but I was definitely out of my element.

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