Friday, October 21, 2011

Out and about-Nightlife at the feria

Yep. Another night at the feria. I went and hung out with Ana at La Galeria for awhile while she was working, and then we headed of to Quintana for tinto de verano and tapas with her boss and another one of his friends. After tapas we went back home so Ana could change out of her work clothes. I had an exhausted emotional breakdown that took Ana totally by surprise. Bless her heart, she was super worried, but I chatted with my mom a bit, touched up my makeup and headed out for round 2. Ana said by the time May comes around we'll be like sisters and she won't let me leave. As much as I wanted to stay in Ana convinced me I couldn't stay in and wallow, so off to the feria we went to shake off the funk I was in. We ran into Luisa with her German friends and her friend Patri that was staying with us while we were there, so it turned into the first time us 3 roommates have been able to go out together. We hung out in the "bomberos" (firemen) caseta, drinking and dancing for awhile and then eventually got a little food. Luisa had una patata asada (baked potatoe) which are big at the fair and I had a kebab. Mmm. From there we called a taxi and made our way home. Getting taxis to pick you up at the fair is really tricky. If I go with just about anyone besides Ana we just give up and walk home (up a decently long hill). There are just too many people that want taxis and  not enough cars. Plus, not even the taxi drivers want to work *ALL* night during the fair, so at 6am you might be out of luck. Luckily we heard that if you wander away from the main entrances to the fair and go to the police station or something in between the entrances you can call for a taxi that will actually come for YOU. If you stay at the entrances you're taxi will usually get stolen by someone else. I'm slowly learning the tricks of the trade.

Me and Ana in La Galeria
Ana and her boss
Ana's boss
Ana and I in Quintana for tapas
Us being goofy
Tinto de verano
More goofy pictures
Posing in the street
La caseta
In the caseta
Ana and me
Ana, me and Luisa
Ana, me and Luisa
Me, Patri and Luisa
Ana with 2 guys she knows

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