Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Last" night of Feria

We have a new roommate now. Nuria is getting her masters degree here in Jaén. Today Nuria, Ana and I all went out together for Tapas at Quintana and then to Old Town bar for drinks with Ana's boss and some of his friends. Nuria headed home around 1:30, and I wanted to leave as well, but felt bad leaving Ana by herself. It's the last "real" night of the fair, so she wanted to go...almost everyone wanted to go for one last hurrah before it ended. I'd had enough, and was thinking of staying with Ana at Old Town until she finished her drink, waiting until the taxi came and then sending her on her way and going home myself...but when the taxi came I didn't have the heart to leave her alone. I went. It was INSANE. There wer SO many people. Once we got into the caseta you could hardly move and people were constantly running into you. The only way you could "dance" would be to bounce up and down I suppose. Not my defintion of fun. I was planning on waiting until Ana's boss and friends found us, leaving her with them and going home. Ana told me I didn't have to stay if I didn't want, but eventually she had enough too. It was just too many people. Way too overwhelming. We sat at a different caseta (one of the non-discoteca ones) and ate some churros before heading home. Ana got churros de patatas (potato churros, which I didn't know existed) and I got normal churros with chocolate.  
Me at Old Town pub
Nuria, Ana and me
The ridiculous amount of people at 4am
Inside the "bomberos" caseta

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